The swifter you start your website, the sooner your ideas are going to go live. This is the reason, we have made a wonderful group of over 800 free of charge templates that are featured within our Hosting Control Panel. You don’t need to devote a long time exploring galleries of very much the same designs and wishing that you’re going to find a distinctive style and design for your web site. All of the web templates are absolutely easy to customize and are also attainable with every one of our cloud web hosting accounts.

The themes are concentrated on a variety of ideas and actions. We offer themes which are suitable for private internet sites such as blogs and for organization sites, like online stores. A lot of the templates can be found only with webmailserver’s cloud hosting services, and this will give you an opportunity to possess a unique layout for your website.

800+ Free Of Charge Templates

100% customizable. Auto Installation

With webmailserver, you can find a array of over 800 free of charge templates, enclosed right into the Control Panel. This will likely help you save numerous hours in surfing around third–party template websites to discover the suitable theme for your web site. So now you may get your theme right out the Control Panel.

webmailserver’s free of charge templates are offered with our Easy Web Site Installer and then our own Site Generation Application. Each of these tools works together with their own variety of designs, so you are able to test both and choose the ideal feel and look for your site.

Free Website Themes

Free Of Charge Web application Templates

Find free of charge templates for your forthcoming app

We’ve made a few tools (our Easy Web Site Installer, webmailserver’s App Installer and the Site Generation Application), available for free inside the webmailserver Control Panel, which will help you add a fresh app such as Joomla or Wordpress within seconds. Over the set up, you’re able to choose a custom template which will be used on your web site from the start.

We have free of charge templates for these web applications: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Free Of Charge Site Builder Templates

100+ fully customizable free of charge templates

With the webmailserver Control Panel, you’ve got access to the Site Generation Application tool, that offers over 100 exceptional website templates. Every theme goes along with two different designs and plenty of coloration options. You’re at liberty to update these templates how you would like.

There’ no requirement to possess any kind of knowledge about HTML or even CSS to change the styles inside our Website Installer. All the work is accomplished using the built–in editor, that’s very easy to work with.

Free Site Builder Themes