Extensive Online Documentation
What's online documentation? How can it help you get more familiar with the concept of web hosting?
In case you’ve never opened a web hosting account or you’ve switched companies and the new one deploys an interface that you have not seen so far, you may get baffled about how to do a given task in your account or on your personal computer. Because of this, some web hosting companies have compiled a knowledge base, which outlines the most frequent questions and challenges associated with the specific platform they use, instead of including only some generic information. This kind of knowledge base will allow you to find the right information quickly and effortlessly, so you won’t have to commit loads of time and effort to things that might require something as elementary as pushing a button or selecting a check box. In this way, not only can you get things done, but you can also learn loads of new and relevant facts, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the web hosting service functions in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Website Hosting
If you’ve bought your very first
website hosting plan through our company or have migrated your site over to us, you’ll get used to our services and our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel before you know it due to the fact that we have compiled an extensive web-based knowledge base where you can find all the info that you will ever need – both general info about the service as a whole and more concrete info about the different features that you can use and the challenges that you may encounter. The articles themselves are located in 2 places. The whole article collection is accessible through the Help section of the Control Panel. You can read articles that are dedicated to the different features in each and every Control Panel section too. You can get to know how to accomplish practically everything, from enabling an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles include thorough instructions, so you will never get lost because of an unclear text. Of course, if you confront a more specific obstacle and you are unable to find an adequate solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our help desk support team representatives 24/7/365.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included in our
Linux semi-dedicated packages, will permit you to access the comprehensive online support documentation that we have prepared for you. The articles themselves offer generic info about our hosting services, educational guides about the different features that you can use, plus troubleshooting instructions that can help you fix common problems that you may experience. The topics that we have included encompass pretty much everything, from elementary things such as how to host a new
domain name in your account, to more intricate ones such as which SSH commands are permitted on the servers. Articles that are dedicated to the features of a particular Control Panel section will always be available on the right side of the page that you’re on, whereas the full article collection is accessible through the dedicated Help section.